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Arctic Circle members have been active in Northern sciences, arts, and politics since the foundation of the organization. On this page you’ll find links to some of the many member publications over the last half century.

Aiken Susan, Consaul Laurie, and Gillespie Lynn: Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago (CD) Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, 2008

Armstrong T, Rogers G, Rowley G: The Circumpolar North: A Political and Economic Geography of the Arctic and Sub-Arctic, London, Methuen, 1978

Books by Hans Blohm

Burn, Chris: Heart of The Yukon: A Natural and Cultural History of the Mayo Area. Eds. Lynette Bleiler, Christopher Burn and Mark O'Donoghue, Village of Mayo, Mayo, YT, 2006, 138 p.

Conlan, Kathy: Under the Ice: A Marine Biologist at Work. Toronto, Ontario: Kids Can Press, 2002

Crowe, Keith J: A History of the Original Peoples of Northern Canada. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1974, revised edition, 1991

David, Jennifer (edited by Terry Rudden), Storykeepers, Ningwakwe Learning Press, Owen Sound, 2004

Dunbar, Moira and Greenaway, Keith: Arctic Canada from the Air, Ottawa, Defense Research Board, Canada, 1956

Gray, David R:

The Muskoxen of Polar Bear Pass. National Museum of Natural Sciences/Fitzhenry and Whiteside. Markham, 1987, 192 p.

Alert, Beyond the Inuit Lands: The Story of Canadian Forces Station Alert. Borealis Press, Ottawa, 1997, 197 p.

Northern People, Northern Knowledge: The Story of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-1918. or, 2003

Ukaliq: The Arctic Hare. or, 2005

Hallendy, Norm: Inuksuit - Silent Messengers of the Arctic, Douglas and McIntyre, 2001

Books by James Houston

Ives, Jack:

Arctic and Alpine Environments. Eds. Jack D. Ives and Roger G. Barry: 1974, Methuen, London, 999 p.

Polar Regions. Eds. Jack D. Ives and David Sugden: Readers Digest (Australia), large format, Illustrated Library of the Earth, 1995, 160 p.

Skaftafell in Iceland: A Thousand Years of Change. Ormstunga, Reykjavik. (Also edition in Icelandic), 2007, 256 p.

The Land Beyond: A Memoir. University of Alaska Press, Fairbanks, AK, 2010, 228 p.

Kenney, Gerard:

Dangerous Passage: Issues in the Arctic, The Dundurn Group, Toronto, 2006

Ships of Wood and Men of Iron, University of Regina, 2004; The Dundurn Group, Toronto, 2005

Arctic Smoke & Mirrors, Voyageur Publishing, Prescott, Ontario, 1994

Larsen, Henry:

The Conquest of the Northwest Passage: The Arctic Voyages of the St. Roch, 1940-44: The Geographical Journal Vol CX No 1-3, 1947

Reports and Other Papers Relating to the Two Voyages of the R.C.M.P. Schooner "St Roch" Through the North West Passage 1940-42 and 1944. King’s Printer, 1945

The North-West Passage, 1940-42-and 1944. City Archives, Vancouver, 1948, reprinted 1954

Henry med det Store Skipet. Mortensen Forlag, Oslo (1964) reprinted by Flyt Forlag, 2003

The Big Ship, in co-operation with Frank R. Sheer and Edvard Omholt Jensen. McClelland and Stewart Ltd., 1967

Manning, Jacquie: Igloo for the Night, London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1943

Porsild, Erling:

Sur le poids et les dimensions des graines arctiques. Revue Générale de Botanique 32: 1920, 97-120

Contributions to the Flora of West-Greenland at 70°-71°45´ N. lat. Meddelelser om Grønland vol. 58 (2), 1926

A relic flora on sand dunes from the Champlain Sea in the Ottawa Valley. The Canadian Field-Naturalist 55: 1941, 66-72

Botany of Southeastern Yukon adjacent to the Canol Road. Bulletin / National Museum of Canada vol. 121 (also Biological series / National Museum of Canada vol. 41), 1951, 400 pp.

Edible plants of the Arctic. Illustrated by Dagny Tande Lid. The Arctic 6: 1953, 15-34

The vascular plants of the Western Canadian Arctic archipelago. Bulletin / National Museum of Canada vol. 135 (also Biological series / National Museum of Canada vol. 45), 1955, 226 pp.

Illustrated Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Illustrated by Dagny Tande Lid. Bulletin / National Museum of Canada vol. 146. 1957, 209 pp.

Porsild, A.E., C.R. Harington & G.A. Mulligan. Lupinus arcticus Wats. grown from seeds of Pleistocene age. Science 158 (3797): 1967, 113-114. [1]

Rocky Mountain wild flowers. Illustrated by Dagny Tande Lid. Ottawa, National Museum of Natural Sciences, 1974, 454 pp.

Porsild A.E. & Cody, William J. Vascular plants of continental Northwest Territories, Canada. Ottawa, National Museum of Natural Sciences, 1980, 667 pp.

Rowley, Graham: Cold Comfort - My Love Affair With the Arctic, Montreal, McGill-Queens University Press, 1996

Second edition (with new material by the author and afterword by Susan Rowley and John Bennett), 2007

Rowley, Susan and Bennett, John: Uqalurait: An Oral History of Nunavut, Montreal, McGill-Queens University Press, April 1 2004

Savoie, Donat:

Le Monde de Tivi Etok/The World of Tivi Etok - La vie et l'art d'un Aîné Inuit - The Life and Art of an Inuit Elder, Avataq, Montreal. (Introduction and photographs by Donat Savoie, edited by Jobie Weetaluktuk/Robyn Bryant) 

Land Occupancy by the Amerindians of the Canadian Northwest in the 19th Century as reported by Émile Petitot - Toponymic Inventory, Data Analyses, Legal Implications" Canadian Circumpolar Institute Press, University of Alberta, Occasional Publication no. 49, 2001

Publications by Denis A. St. Onge

Wilkinson, Doug: Land of the Long Day, New York, NY Holt, 1956

